Inspiring conferences since 1989
Begijnenstraat 50, 2800 Mechelen - BELGIUM
TEL: +32 15 638 580
With head office in Mechelen (Belgium), Barranco organises conferences all over Europe.
Besides being focussed mainly on European destinations, some of our corporate events took place in USA, Canada, Morocco, Kenia, Mauritius and Jordan.
We are flexible in where the conference needs to take place. But no matter which destination is chosen, we always perform an up to date and on site venue research, before the start of each conference creation. And we are non-stop updating our knowledge about new conference venues and hotels.
Themed Celebration Dinner for 200 guests - BUDAPEST
They trusted us already
Artilium, Arseus, ABN-AMRO, 4C Consulting, Alcatel, The Adecco Group, Alfa Print, Apple Computer, Barry Callebaut, Batenborch International, Bayer Medical, BD Biosciences, Belgacom, B-Post, BMW Belgium, Canon Benelux, Cisco Systems, Cofinimmo, Corilus, Covidien, Deloitte & Touche, Dredging International, DHL, ING, KPMG, Kramp Group, Henkel, Medtronic Sofamor Danek, Merant, Media Markt, Microsoft, Mobistar, NextiraOne, Nuon, Porthus, Shell, Skynet, GSK, VSM, Whyet Lederle, ...