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Bringing together surprising ideas, inspiring speakers, an attractive stage and a catching atmosphere that evoques emotions and engage the audience, are every conference organizers' ultimate goal and mission.

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Plenary set-up custom made in parliament style (U-shape) for a worldwide managers conference.
Layering the seats in different levels creates optimal view on the stage for every person in the audience.

We start long before the conference takes place, months, sometimes even a year or longer. It all begins with a first meeting, to get to know each other, your expectations for the conference and to exchange ideas about how working together.

Next, we start venue research, come with ideas, set-up and stage plans, work and play concepts and we start putting together a budget and a program.

Our modus operandi is taking the work and the worries out of your hands, adding our creativity and experience while at the same time we touch base with you on regular times during the whole build up prior to the conference.
However, we do not sell isolate items (such as a speaker, an artist, a caterer, an AV supplier, ...) but build a holistic solution for the whole conference as one coherent package that we manage regarding execution and budget control.

During the execution of the conference, we are 24/7 present with an experienced event team of which most members are now working together for over 20 years.

All team members are flexible and adapt until the last moment, to comply with all changes as those are always part of the DNA of every event or conference.
And once all is over, we do the whole 'clean-up' of all administration and paperwork that comes next.

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Plenary conference room in 'garage' look & feel / BERLIN - 200 pax

View from the control platform / VIENNA - 300 pax

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Construction of the main stage / VIENNA - 300 pax

Welcome desk - handing over of info and keys / LISBON

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Layered stage in combination with LED wall / AMSTERDAM - 300 pax

Plenary conference with 360° mood projection / VIENNA - 300 pax

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Theme creation & slide design / BARCELONA - 650 pax

Plenary set-up in a triangle / BARCELONA - 650 pax

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Movable LED walls on a triangular stage / PRAGUE - 300 pax

Optimal use of the limited seating space / ZURICH - 200 Pax

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Stage & screens proposal in full 3D / Concept for BUDAPEST

We create a concept for the whole conference including designing the plenary and stage set-up aswell as the mood content slides for the main screen. The integration of hardware and content gives the final result a unique atmosphere and energy.

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We can design as well the main screen visuals to perfectly match the screen concept. By producing both: the hardware and some of the general content, a unique mood that supports the theme of the conference is created.

Barranco Concept BV - Begijnenstraat 50, 2800 Mechelen (Belgium) - TEL: +32 15 638 580 - MAIL:

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