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Let's do less conferences, but the ones that really must take place: let's make them the very best.
Steve De Wit, Managing Director BarrancO
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Barranco promotes a more sustainable approach to conferences and events. The most direct measure is to 'use less'. That's why we advise our clients to plan less conferences, but improve the quality and the effectiveness of the ones that really have to take place.

Helping ideas: Replace printed matter, such as branding and programs, by digital and projected alternatives. Introduce at least one evening with a complete vegetarian menu. Use the latest AV technology including LED lighting for a much lesser energy consumption. Re-use as much as possible stage- , fair- and decoration materials. Avoid the distribution of all kind of short-life 'gadgets'. Combine a conference with a pre- or post-meeting, to eliminate near future additional travel. Ask caterers to use local ingredients ...

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Conference organisation is sometimes compared with delivering 'cooked air'. Because until the day the conference happens, there is nothing really tangible. There are only plans, contracts, good intentions, great ideas, contacts and connections.
But all these great ideas still need to become reality and that happens only the moment when the guests walk into the conference room. That is maybe why the biggest asset in organising a conference is probably 'trust'. Trust in the organisers and all their suppliers. Trusting that all elements will fall into place. A big 'Thank You' to all our client and partners who trusted us !

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Founded in 1989 by Steve De Wit, Barranco looks back on more then 1200 conference and event days successfully organised over the past 35 years, spread out over 27 different countries worldwide. Today, Steve is still the managing director and creative mind with Eric Aertssens as his experienced wing man directing all logistical challenges to a successful ending.

Steve & Eric are supported by a huge team of committed and loyal supplying partners who follow the Barranco conferences to any place in the world. We are really proud and very grateful that many of them are 10 and 20 years non-stop member of our on-site team.

Barranco Concept BV - Begijnenstraat 50, 2800 Mechelen (Belgium) - TEL: +32 15 638 580 - MAIL:

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